As I have shared a gajillion times with whomever's willing to lend me their ear for a moment this month: I'm DOprah-ing for the third time this year. Meditating with Deepak & Oprah for 21 days.
This round, I'm using the prompts and writing in the journal every morning following the meditations and today's I feel inclined to share with the interwebs:
Question 3 of 4
are you grateful for today? Write a thank you letter to one or all of
them detailing all of your appreciation and gratitude. Consider sharing
your words in an e-mail, text, letter or spontaneous call.
I am grateful for everyone who and everything that has shaped my New York experience in the past five years. From Bob Cline to Alfred Heller to Tamika Covington and Chris whatever his last name was and Thomas G. Waites and his accountant, and Mike Still and Danielle Carroll, and Lacey, Heidi, Meg, Michelle, Sarah Chandler, Daniel Bundt and Chris here at Will's and Will and Anthony of course and Alvin and Brad and Matt Putorti, and David DeBarros, and Melissa Cox, Jen Marsh, Kate Taylor, Fatima, Nicole, Micah, Halle, Jo, Chris, SB, my parents, my sisters, Ryan and Annie, Matt Leisy, Alison, Zaq, Kim Reynolds, The Brooklyn Barons, Mick and Alexis, Duss and Mike, and Sobes and Vicki, Geoff, the other Williams people who's parties I went to on whims, Becca Ain, Lauren Jacobi, Rich, MSB, Twain, Dan Lolli, Marco, Marissa Christmas, Mower, Michelle, my cousin Jon, Ray, Victor, the Nunziatas, the ENNIS artists current and past, Barbe, Nicole, Sara Campbell, Christine Smith, Brian Smith, Alex Palombo, Jose-Gabriel, the Okay Cupid guy from January who I went on three dates with, my nanny and papa, grandma and grandpa, my Uncles Kenny and Kevin, my cousin Kaileen, Michael and Brian Ferrolito, the movers I used last December, Kate Hickey, Drew & Sygale, my subletters, my audition circuit acquaintances, my improv friends, my life coach Liz, my improv teachers and coaches, my one night stands, Will's one month flings, my first NY hookup (the musician), my first NY date (the republican), the casting agents at Telsey who I went in for three times, the casting team for the Drowsy Chaperone tour who called me back five times, Brooke & Mary, the Iovate people, the Microsoft brand people, the theatre dance teacher at Steps and the hip hop teachers at NYSC especially the one I liked and the one that scared me, the cabbies who got me home safe, the baristas at the Starbucks on 81st and Columbus, the Broadway Bagel guy, Lady Doctor Oz, the magnet theatre, the Laurie Beechman, Maude Adams, Katelyn, Jess, my Aunties Jean and Anita, my Uncles Jim and Jeff, my godmother Debbie and her daughter Sam, Sam and Morgan, and Emily Kadish on the 1 train and Liza Rutenback and Becky Farmer on the Lower East Side, and the Pelusos, and Emma and Harry and Casper, and Hayley, and Erin Stutland, and Deepak and Oprah, and Eckhart Toll, and Greg Behrendt, and Fr. Duffel, and Marianne and Margaret and Dana and Brett, and Ryan and Andrea and Pamela Bubolo, and Jan and Barb and Garreth and YiiMei, and Aurelie Jezequel and Jackie and Marnie and James and Man-Lai, and Adhesive and Fotoworks, and Le Book and Casting Networks and Actors Access and Mary Colomba and, and Kathleen and Robbie and Michael King and Tracey and Elizabeth and Bob, and Jason and Feinsteins and West Side Markets and Ray's Original Pizza and Koronets and Louie Lips and Cherelle at the Bed Bugs registry, and Manhattan Apartments and Michael Frazer (RIP), and JTS and Alex, Eric, Frank, LaurenAli, the BC NYC Chapter, Creative Minds Salon, Blu, Tonya Pinkins, Mark Fisher, Brian Patrick Murphy, Stacy, Amanda, Katie, Stasia, Brian and Jaya, the game nazi, the graduate admissions people at Columbia, the agents who responded to my queries about Inboxed, Jeanette, Tom Cassazone, Kyle Stewart, Karen, Rich, Kelly Doyle, the guy in the kilt, the Red Sox, the scalpers at Yankee Stadium, the Bradleys, Tracey, Mower's other Manhattan girlfriends, Kate Dorman, Matt, Britt and Sammy, Lacey's Kristina, the Galapogos Art Space, The Big Apple Circus, the Broadway, Matthew Broderick, Ryan Reynolds, Scarlett Johansen, Hugh Jackman, Julianne Moore, Kristin Chenoweth, Grace Coddington, the people who work at the Post Office on W 104th St, the singers at the Church of St Paul the Apostle, the bass player at jazz mass, the upper east siders in the congregation of St Ignatius on Park Ave, the guys at Brother Jimmy's, the hipsters in Brooklyn, the ladies at Curves in midtown, the jitney bus drivers, the sales associates at Mandees and Strawberry and Macys and J Crew and Anthropolgie and Urban Outfitters, the NYPD, the salvation army bell ringers, the AM New York and Metro distributors, Time Warner Cable, my friends' roommates and roomates' friends, Billy, Spyros, Tocco, Jim, Culli, Carolyn, Dave Bruin, Thayer, the Meg(h)ans, Jess Kelly, Lauren formerly McLaughlin, everyone at those BC Theatre holiday parties, everyone at the few BC gamewatches I've gone to, everyone on the crews of web series I've been in, anyone who has read my blog, or liked my facebook statuses or commented on how they could never live in NYC, my brussels boy, Ronnie Nicholas, Sam Willmott, Ari Scott, Laura Rose, Dimple Pleasures, the Sing Kids, Michael Martin, Frank Spitznaegal, Frank's wife, my godson and cousins Neil and Matthew and Annie and Kathleen and Colleen and Mackenzie, Mackenzie's cousin and aunt, my therapist, the Upper West Side, Central Park, Riverside Park, the West Side Highway, Chelsea Markets, Anthony's softball team, my first Easter away from home, my rock solid foundation back in Boston, Times Square, 42nd Street, The Legally Blonde Soundtrack, my boots, Rose at Hair Farfalla, $10 manicures, the pulse of Manhattan, the ferry to Staten Island, the GoBus, the megabus, the one amtrak trip I've taken back to MA in the past five years on the company's dime, Devachan, Le Pain Quotidiens, two cell phones, a mobile office, Bubba, Sally Esposito, dollar stores, dreams, drive, faith, compassion, competition, creativity, courage, commitment, inspiration, belief, desire, destiny.