Sunday, July 14, 2013

The time is 12:45AM

I still haven't figured out how to write that in military time... 0045 I guess?  How do you say that?, I wonder.

Also, remember when before we all had cell phones that automatically updated us with the time of day regardless of where we are in the world, you used to be able to dial N-E-S-T-L-E-S, which was 637-8537 to get the time told to you by a pre-recorded operator?  I don't think you even needed to dial an area code.  And I definitely don't think I realized I even remembered that you could do that until just now, when I decided to title this post with "the time is..."

In any case - I'm writing because I'm up.  I went to bed two hours ago, after a VERY productive Saturday.  It's actually my first uneventful Saturday of the Summer as I've otherwise had to travel, or attend a function, or perform, or partake in some sort of celebration every other Saturday for the past 8 weeks, so simply having no obligations has been significant in and of itself.  Naturally I had to find a use for this freeby though...couldn't just "futz around" as my roommate declared he was doing this morning when he emerged from his room sometime between 11am and noon.

So I set myself a writing goal for the weekend, and I'm right on schedule, which is always a treat, but as I prefer writing earlier in the day to late at night, I thought I'd turn in around 10:45pm and get a good night's sleep.  I'm 2/3 of the way through the writing I wanted to finish over the course of these two days, so I should have no trouble wrapping things up tomorrow between a work out and mass. 

But first I've gotta go count sheep.

Or somethin.

I'm a "soon as my head hits the pillow" sort of sleeper, so I never quite know how to respond to insomnia.  It graces me with its presence maybe once a year.

I thought perhaps a blog post as a palette cleanser might help in this case.  So thanks in retrospect for bearing the brunt of my burden by reading this, y'all.

And here's hoping you've had not trouble sleeping as of late.

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