Sunday, July 31, 2011

ehhhhh bOp

I've been to Idaho twice.


No, U da hoe.

No, seriously.

To Idaho, twice, for the Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival where I competed as a vocalist for BC bOp.

And while not overly trained or thoroughly studied in the art form with its standards, solos, scat and so on, I love it. So much.

So I spent the hours I sat in traffic on my way home from the Cape this evening listening to highlights from the American Songbook on a radio station I'm pretty sure only 70 year olds and Snowbirds know exists.

And it was so romantically lonely. But in the loveliest way.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Fasting Cardio meets the Fastest Moving Summer of All Time


Did you know it's the last week in July??? The LAST WEEK IN JULY???

Wasn't it just the first week in July? Wasn't I just sitting on the west side highway in bumper to bumper traffic watching the wonder of 3D-effected fireworks from the back seat of the gypsy cab I'd hailed from the random street corner in Harlem I'd hopped out of my roomie doctor's sister's friend's car at on her way back to Long Island from where we were earlier that day in Delaware on Dewey Beach?

Perhaps this is the sort of thing that's making this Summer fly by. Weekend days that are endlessly long landing in the laps of weeks that fly by.

Whatever it is - it's all as much of a blur as my bout of AM Fasting Cardio was earlier today. A little 4 miler along the Charles at 8 that I can honestly hardly remember just four hours later.


Monday, July 25, 2011

Just a thought

how lucky am I to be "living" with two of my best friends, and to have done the same two summers ago?

"A friend," they say, "is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words"

This is never more true a case than for a chorus girl, which I've always said I am at heart.

Speaking of which, my heart may beat to the pulse of Manhattan, but I need only a night of nookness to remind me that my first love is my family and friends, and that "there is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered" (Nelson Mandel).

Part of why I love making the world feel smaller one trip around it at a time is that I know I have nothing but the best to come "home" to and "sometimes right back where you started from is where you belong."

Good night and God bless.

Skinny Girl Margarita Night

loosely translated means my best night of the Summer.

My sorrelina's on the BC campus getting oriented aka having the best weekend of her life, and my Walker St roommates and I are indulging in Cafe Kiraz frozen yogurts and nostalgia filled albums packing punches that could knock the sturdiest of nooksters off their feet.

My neighbor roomie just brought out her 4 fullest albums.

Amen. And thank you. And yep. It's a wonderful life.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011



Annie Hall

My brother made me stop before finishing my sentence when I suggested I think I might be the female Woody Allen.

He said he would feel infinitely bad for me if that were true and that he'd worry I had bigger problems than he ever could have imagined.

I watched Annie Hall last night to study Diane Keaton's comedic skill set though and came to the conclusion that he basically just rambles thoughts right from his head to the page and calls it a script.

I'll have to do some research into what sort of open doorways he walked through on his way into the entertainment industry, but I'm glass half fulling the idea that if he can turn his ranting and raving into high box office ratings I really may be able to do the same sort of thing one day.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Nantucket Naugs vs. NY Naugs

Nantucket Naugs used to wait for the work day to end so the party could starty... New York Naugs waits for the work day to end so she can run along the Hudson River once it starts to get cool out after 6pm.

Nantucket Naugs scrambled to get tix from her Free Spirited Island friends to see Donavon Frankenreiter play the Chicken Box two Summers ago.

New York Naugs got ridiculously excited when she found out he was playing in Brooklyn tonight, and thought about rallying people to trek out there for the show which will of course be uber awesome, but she's most likely going to be on her second set of Romanian Deadlifts at the NYSC by the time D.F. starts his first set at the Bowl.


Friday, July 15, 2011

The end of an era

I made a fellow Nookgirl laugh out loud, lol as it were, today when I told her "HP at midnight + 3 drinks last night really f'd me up," and actually I'd chuckled to myself when I saw the fb status of my oldest friend/fave graphic designer from yesterday afternoon positing whether it negated how adult she felt to be going to a midnight movie premier when the film was Harry Potter Seven Part Two.

True Harry fans have really committed to that empire over the years. The LOTR trilogy produced some running times of epic proportions and thousands of pages for little fantasy readers to tear through, but JK Rowling engaged us all in a legit long term relationship.

People ask, are you sad it's the end?

And what else can we HP lovers say to them but "don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened."

13 posts to write in 16 days.

The heat is on Ms. Saigon.