"You know who you remind me of?" she asked.
"Who?" I replied.
"That girl from the Carrie Diaries - have you seen that new show?"
And I replied that I had not, but thanked her for saying so because that girl was easily 10 years my junior, and she said, "yeah the curly hair. So cute." Which was so sweet of her.
Anyway - I am working on a sketch show. I don't want to say begrudgingly but rather hesitantly as I have not studied this form of comedy yet and I'm wary of trying things I don't feel like I've got at least a minimal mastery of, but I am working on it none the less and decided to hammer out two sketches today before my musical improv show this evening, and moved from my desk to my bed to write and realized I've got
by my bedside for two reasons: first because I'm going to watch the show start to finish, it's just a matter of picking a day to start that process. And second because my inspiration for the year is Carrie Bradshaw. Curly blonde convinced she can go the distance, with her sassy bob and her wit and whatnot.
I am pretty sure the sketches I wrote both suck. Perhaps even more than this blog post does, but I'll tell you what, I'm proud I made myself write them. Because I read Amy Poehler's tips for making it in show business in Entertainment Weekly's "Women Who Run TV" feature a few hours ago on the precor machine at the gym, and one of them was more or less to just keep writing even if some of what you write at first is bad.
And check out what EW on line did:
Pretty fun / funny right? Love this idea of Amy Poehler having a theoretical vision board, cause she is on my actual one.
WriterNaugs out.
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