That's us (to the right of our idols) at my Sweet 16 Birthday party at the Knights of Columbus. We'd long since given up our aspirations to be the next 3Lw or female Dreamstreet, and I have no idea why this is the only pic of the "band" that's made its way to Manhattan with me.
All of this is insignificant, and really there's no need for me to be making the latest proposal to have reared its head public here in the blogosphere. I just thought it was of note. And I'm just wrapping my mind around it all and keeping people posted.
I suppose it sort of ties in to the quotes from "Up in the Air" that I wanted to muse on, Actress Writer Agent Nomad New Yorker that I am having seen the movie last night...
First George Clooney's character saying "we're not swans, we're sharks" to his audience of business professionals who are soaking in the suggestion he's making that they lighten their loads of personal connections and upkeep demanding relationships.
Second, that firecracker from the Twilight movies (who, did you know is from way Northern Maine, and told Ellen Degeneres she and her brother have been taking the train to Manhattan for auditions by themselves since they were kids? Seriously, from Maine? What were their parents thinking? And when are we going to go ahead and annex the top two thirds of that state? I really think they're more Canadian up there than American)...Anna Kedrick is her name, I can't think of her character's but she plays a convincingly trite Cornell business grad, and she's speaking for all of us career driven lasses when she thanks Vera Farmiga on behalf of her generation for paving the way for we Gen-whatever-we-ares to shatter glass ceilings but admits that at the end of the day "sometimes it feels like no matter how much success [we] have it's not gonna matter until [we] find the right guy."
Tough one to swallow - the movie was great though.
And don't get me wrong - I am thrilled beyond belief with the course I've charted and the progress I'm making from up in my tower here on the Upper Upper West Side...
I think the whammy might just be that we really are going from being girls 2 women and I'm left grappling with my choice to swim in this big sea like a shark while the three of them are gliding through this stage of our lives as swans.
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