when you wake up about ten minutes later than it may have behooved you to get out of bed feeling like "well, that's alright, it might still be a pretty okay day" until you're crying at your desk by noon because you can't believe how cranky everyone else you're dealing with is and the attitude in the most recent email you've gotten's enough to dampen even the most bouyant of optimist's mood, so you find yourself perusing Monster.com during your 20 minute lunch break, but not quite sure of what sort of work you're looking for just that you're totally feeling all "what the fuck am I doing" with your life and not at all like doing any of the umpteen things on your afternoon to-do list, least of all paying your bills, checking your bank of america account as it descends towards deficits, or running 5 miles before heading to the rehearsal you have scheduled at 9 for the project you're still not entirely sure you want to sign on board for, and then have the night take the most pleasant of turns as you smoke a cigarette walking through Times Square towards Bryant Park realizing that you live in the most amazing city in the world and things are actually bound to pretty much work themselves out if you keep putting your nose to the grind, your mind to it and your money where your mouth is?
I call those days Tuesdays, and I'm being ware of the Ides of March as I put myself and this first Tuesday of the month to bed in a few minutes, but I'm basically happy as a clam to have weathered the storm that was being an actress-writer-agent on this otherwise breathtakingly bright sunshiney day.
And I hope you'll all come see us bring
Lacey and Danielle: From Beantown to the Big Apple back to the stage at O'Casey's Irish Pub later this month.

Of course I should also mention making this my fb profile pic for a full 24 hours may have had something to do with putting the pep back in my step this afternoon as well. The bff taking a punch out of life and really making it count. Can't you just hear him exclaming "YEAH!"
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