C'est la vie of a Boston turned New York Naugs. Regression's a bugger. And the bff would say it has to do with the batches of chocolate chip cookies I insist on baking whenever I'm home for a special occasion (or no special occasion) which is every time. I toted them on the T with me from Newton Centre to Copley this past Friday night for our Nooksgiving Festivities.
Anyway, luckily there's a Starbucks directly across the street from where the megabus drops us Massholes off at the corner of W 28th St and Fashion Ave - theatre folk all know it because of its proximity to Chelsea Studios where Bob Cline gets us brimming with smiles, flaunting fake eyelashes, and modeling the brightest possible dresses we can whenever there's a non-eq tour auditioning.
So I hopped off the Mega and hopped up on a peppermint mocha quicker than you can say Hannukah Harry and I should be back to normal in no time.
I thought I would quickly warn y'all , though, to be on the lookout for a facelift of sorts as Younameitnaugs.blogspot.com will be going through a renaissance before long because I was informed this weekend that it's hard for a fella to justify reading a thisawayrose themed blog at the office, and I want to be sure I can reach as broad an audience as possible with this here vehicle.
As I'm sure many of you can relate, I feel bloated thanks to a carbloaded albeit they were the best and their my favorite four days - so I'll be saying goodbye to the white bread and mashed potatoes diet and going back to brocolli for the next few weeks. N Y See ya real soon . . .
As I'm sure many of you can relate, I feel bloated thanks to a carbloaded albeit they were the best and their my favorite four days - so I'll be saying goodbye to the white bread and mashed potatoes diet and going back to brocolli for the next few weeks. N Y See ya real soon . . .

(Well if the mouskateers can do it...)
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