Thankful beyond belief to no longer be spinning my wheels, and to be here home on Elsworth just visiting for the week. Thankful to have come so far since last November when I was nomadic to the n'th degree, moving three times, in more debt than I could manage, at war with the bugs, and hardly feeling the least bit festive.
I LOVE the holidays again! I LOVE LOVE. Thank goodness I went to three beautiful weddings this summer and was reminded of this.
My four favorite days of the year have arrived and I'm so looking forward to loving each and every moment of them and all of the quality time I'm going to get to spend with people I love.
Because I can like the sound of my voice all I want, but at the end of the day, there's nothing
more gratifying than eliciting laughter from an audience of readers or onlookers, than giving with whatever gifts you've got. I heard back from another agent regarding my book, and her encouragement was uber exciting, what's kept me plugging away at the project though is the texts and emails I've gotten back from the few people I've let read some of it who represent my "target sales demographic:"
from an actual nook girl, "I'm almost crying reading it so far and only on pg 3!"
from my sorellina, "I'm on page 36, and although I am so tired I can barely keep my eyes open, I'm loving it. It's very good and I've found a few typos." (Ever the editor apparently)
Talk about being tickled pink :)
So thankful for friends, family, the fun that was had at my birthday party Monday night, the creative processes I'm involved in, and the fact that in honor of my birthday, Disney's gone and released a brand new princess movie for me to see on Saturday. Happy Turkey Day All!

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