Anyway, my family now refers to December of 2009 as some of the Dark Days - I was battling bugs in Hells Kitchen and my bambina sorella was battling a bout with depression in the Center of the Universe. My family's prone to these bouts (thank you genes from the gloomy albeit beautiful, bright and cheery at other times land of Eire), but we're hardly about surrendering to them. We face them head on and charge through towards the light at the end of the tunnel or at the top of the well if you will: exercise, diets, therapy, acupuncture - whatever it takes, we'll invest the time and energy in because, newsflash: The time to be happy IS now.
A few weeks ago, this sister of mine, casually mentioned that she loved the little wall hanging I'd given her, and this morning, sitting at her desk and working from Elsworth for the day so I can see her perform at the fanciest High School on Earth this evening, I can see why. It's the coolest reminder, and she's got it on the wall in her room beside the window in front of her desk, so while she's plunking away at annoying homework or on her guitar crooning unrequited love songs, she's got the option to look up to the right, get the reminder and have the thing her thought becomes be happiness.
Sweet huh?
I had the pleasure of watching the Golden Globes with my oldest friend who was up from DC the other night, and I told her some of the plans I've been rolling around in my mind...thoughts...
"Dream big," she said with full confidence that if I did the dreams would no doubt come true.
And a day later, I got a card in the mail from another fave friend, el presidente of the University Chorale, who I mentioned having gone to St. Ignatius with a couple weeks ago. The girl's a class act. She sent a thank you note to say her stay in NYC on the UUWS (Upper Upper) was exactly what the doctor'd ordered for a perfect start to her year.
And you know what it said on the front?
"Dreams are made a size too big so we can grow into them."
I had my first class at Upright Citizens Brigade last night, so get ready, readers, because this blog and this sister friend actress writer agent nomad princess is going to naturally evolve to be funnier and funnier over the course of the next 8 weeks.
Yes, and the Priming Year is upon us....
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