Tuesday, January 11, 2011

and since we've no place to go

the New York office will be opened during normal business hours tomorrow in spite of the doozy of a blizzard we're encountering this evening.

This storm - I'm telling you - it's had people talespinning all day and the snow's finally started dumping down on us like the dickens. Now, I know people are bent out of shape over it, but I was just walking back to my apartment from drinks at The Abby Pub (which is sort of like my very own version of MacLaren's - the How I Met Your Mother Bar - which is actually McGees on W 55th St) with my CFF (close friend forever, not to be confused with his twin brother, my bff *best friend forever*), and all I could think was how beautiful NYC is covered in a blanket of white.

Up in my neighborhood the Christmas lights still line the Broadway Malls that divide North and South running lanes of traffic, and my stroll from 106th to 109th was simply majestic. The stuff that romantic comedy "reveal scenes" are made of.

Much of Manhattan will be closed tomorrow to facilitate more efficient snow removal than was carried out the day after Christmas, but since my commute is from my bed to my desk chair, as you can imagine, I'll be going to work regardless of this fact. And I'll tell you why I'm more than happy to report as Agent Naugs at nine in the morning...

Because I've got some very important emails to respond to while I'm logging my hours this Hump Day. Dear friends of mine who've been in touch about the goings on in their life these past few days are deserving of my heartfelt responses to news that their wife's health's not all that great, that their first and second OK Cupid dates went smashingly and that they're expecting their first baby next August....

Yes, it was a busy day in the g-mailed news department, and I heard from not 1 but 4 of my closest guy friends in the span of a few short hours, which was so sweet and endearing. So I'll be checking in with a number of folks throughout the course of what for many others will be a verified Snow Day.

And in the meantime, I'm content to watch the snow fall outside of my bedroom window, to sip my bud selects and to see what happens when Barney & Robin start dating in season 5 of HIMYM. I love my life... my bff just called

"What's the point of tonight's entry?" he asks

"That I'm a good friend," I reply.

"You're tipsy blogging, admit it."

He's right.

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