Wednesday, July 20, 2016


I was all. over. the. place.  Ask the people I barraged with a wider range of crazy than I like to admit to still being capable of.

I missed posting after a day spent going from mass to a wake to a gospel choir concert.

I sang - and I mean, I still sing - but I sang a lot growing up.  In a bunch of choirs.  In musicals.  In the car with my siblings.  At my dance recitals.  Because the owner of my dance school so loved my rendition of 5 Little Monkeys Jumping on a Bed and the fact that I looked like the second coming of Shirley Temple she decided to spotlight me for 15 of the first 18 years of my life.

And anyway, while I was hardly ever going to be the next Whitney Houston, or even Mariah Carey, or even Christina Aguilera, I wound up in a gospel choir in high school and a jazz choir in college.  I always love sharing the fun fact that I've twice been to Idaho for the sole purpose of competing heart & soul style at the Lionel Hampton Jazz Festival hosted at the University of Idaho each spring.  You want dissonance?  I can hold that soprano 2 harmony line like a boss-a nova.  What?

Speaking of soul though... man if gospel isn't so darn good for it.  Chicken soup.  It was HOT out Sunday, but given my crazy and the crazy we find ourselves faced with daily in this country, a warm dose of the chicken soup that was Kuumunity was just what the doctor ordered.

They didn't sing this song, but this is one of my faves from the conductor (and choir)'s repertoire.  Treat yourself to a listen.

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