I gave fair warning though: I know nothing about the team right now, other than that I love them today as much as ever, which has been unconditionally for as long as I can remember.
My first trip to the park, I was all of three. There with my Great Grandpy and Great Nana Dougherty, who loved all things Americana, especially the songs of John Philip Sousa, the Red Sox and the Camelot Kennedys.
If that doesn't lay the foundation for a lifetime of fandom, I don't know what does.
And I don't know that I ever have or ever will be a real fan of the team to the extent of knowing averages, jersey numbers, positions... but I am sure there will be series that familiarize me with most of the names on the roster, the way the 2003 and 2004 and 2008 post seasons did.
Because I'm a proud proverbial pink hat wearing full heartedly bandwagon fan.
You know what I like the most about baseball? It's a long game. You can't rush it.

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