Friday, December 14, 2012

The Reason for the Season's

good will and good energy has never been so clear to me.

People start getting excited about the way they'll feel in a couple weeks when they're carrying out their New Year's Resolutions.  Even if they're being hot messes between now and the first of the year, they're just so hopeful and proud of the plans they've got.


In 2010 I stopped saying the word "should"

In 2011 I was on.the.ball. with a bunch of resolutions

In 2012 I ran the Boston Marathon but I knew that "crossing it off my list" was a copout since I'd been planning it for about 5 years

In 2013 I'm not sure what my M.O. will be, but I'm already jonesin' for that clean 1/1 slate


in the meantime, I moved my desk to be by my window and I'm regretting that decision (hopefully my last poor one of 2012) because the view I have is of my neighbors' fire escape and what appears to be honest to god a headless pigeon perched on an air conditioner.


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