I had never drank by myself however until last night. When I realized it was the last night I'd have on my own in 2011 (from here on out it's holiday gatherings, nights home at my parents' with my siblings & puppy, and hosting out of towners visiting for NYE in NYC) I decided to have myself a merry little Naugmas and dip into (drink) the birthday bottle of Malbeck the nice waitress at Jadis sent me home with last month while watching The Holiday.

I also, full disclosure, took an intermission and grabbed a single dogfish head 60 minute IPA from the bodega on the corner, and better yet, I took notes throughout the viewing on the things I loved about the movie... scrawled in chickenscratch, I think they say...
- The character Iris
- The hot guy who almost sits beside her on the plane
- That Jim from The Office has a bit part
- That Cameron's character can't cry
- That that fucker Jasper texts Iris the second she's seated and ready for take off
- That Cameron's character has Atonement with her in first/business class
- That Iris drives along the same LA strips I did this June
- Cameron staying on her feet just barely the way I did when I nearly fell on my face in front of my crush John Paul last Wednesday
- That I made it through 3/4 a bottle of birthday wine and a beer from the bodega before 11pm
- That Jude Law can play "non d-bag" ala my fave gay chorus boy/one-day leading man who REALLY pulls off straight
- Kate waking up in Amanda's bed mirroring my every morning in LA on Iovate's dime
- That Jasper rouses Iris from her LA wakeup with a request for her to ______ on his career
- How much Jude Law's beauty in the breakdown buddy looks like Paul Rudd
- That Cameron's character has a Lexus SUV
- Jude Law's line: "I sew and I have a cow in the back yard. How's that to relate to?"
- Jack Black's confrontation with the girl cheating on him
- Iris giving him water when he asks for something stronger
- How I cried when Cameron as Amanda _____ "welcome back" cried
The _____'s are place holders for where I can't read my own writing, and I think it becomes ENTIRELY clear that I had all that wine and the beer when I switch from calling Kate Winslet by her character's name to calling Cameron Diaz by her's around #11.
This was a fun exercise. I highly recommend it. I also think I need to make a point of going back to California before too long and checking out the English countryside one of these days.
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