27th birthday!!!! Can you believe it??
Prepare for me to be a chatty cathy in the days to come, as I patiently endured a month of silence on the blogosphere whence so rudely asked to remove a prior post. What is the blogosphere for if not the mentioning of whatever comings and goings, musings, and matters an individual feels compelled to share with an audience of anywhere from 1 to an infinite possible number of readers? But I digress.
So excited to celebrate young love and to simultaneously experience the complete removal of any and all pressure from my family in Boston to be wed or relationship bound after this coming weekend. 10 bucks, heck $100 says the only question that gets asked on repeat for the next year or three will be "when are you gonna have kids?" and will be directed at my baby bro and his bride to be.
I owe them a million bucks.
Trying a new template. Feeling like a fresh start.
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