And the closing line from this last episode I watched is classic.
I'm starting to see how dating evolves as we age. We as in mankind, and 20somethings alike, that is.
And my opinion on having hoes in different area codes was requested by everyone's favorite Beantown based graphic designer who came to NYC last weekend initially to see my new palace on the UUWS and shop Spring trends with me at the mega-H&Ms and Forever 21s of the World with the gift cards she'd gotten for Christmas.
But then you see, she'd met a musician that struck her fancy the week before out in 01061 and as it turned out the drummer boy was based in 11214 so he met up with us at a celebration in Boerum Hill Friday and then we went and checked out one of his kickarse bands at The Flea the following night.
She's not actually interested in dating said drummer boy, but would there be any harm in having him here to see casually whenever she's in town?
"Not in the least," I said, assuring her that it was like me having my DCboy to go out with when I'm visiting the lovebird friends (who I take pride in having successfully set up with one another) in our Nation's Capital.

When you're mobile (and who isn't in this day and age of blackberry & remote offices, in flight wi-fi and farewatcher deals that abound?) you're likely to run into way more "what could have beens" than people ever have before, and now thanks to facebook it's easy breezy to loosely stay in touch with even quasi connections. The possibilities are endless, so stack up your hoes.
Why not? Am I wrong?
(Errr...I think I'm going to write a gushy post Monday in Valentine's Day's honor to counter that last sentiment. But I digress).
Here's how Ted Mosby's line to his girl-toy in the 2nd to last episode of season 5 fits in / prompted me to finish my hos in different area codes post.
You get to this point where you know when someone's got potential or not. (A suitor, that is). It's not that you're not open to being pleasantly surprised or willing to get to know people, but your benchmarks are set in stone. You know where you're going more or less and who you ultimately want with you for the ride, and you gotta let anyone who doesn't fit the bill off the hook.
"Yeah, you gotta go''s basically what I told the boy I kiss of deathed with the viewing of The Green Hornet on our first date... 11756 is simply not an area code I feel the need to have a hoe in.
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