Friday, February 18, 2011

Dear Universe,

I received your two latest signs.

My question is: why don't you want me to see "Blue Valentine" alone? Twice this week I've planned little "me time" excursions to the sole movie theaters still showing the film in either Boston or New York, and twice you've kept me from being able to do so.

What's that about?

Are you afraid it will make me cry?

Of course it will make me cry.

Every movie makes me cry.

Do you think it will stop me from believing in relationships and love?

I promise it won't. I promise I will primarily be there to see the acting prowesses of Michelle Williams and Ryan Gosseling.

I promise it won't replace "The Notebook" / "Lars and the Real Girl" as my favorite Ryan Gosseling movies.

I'm curious as to whether the third time I try to catch it will be a charm.

And I'm most curious as to whether or not I should chance it.

Thanks in advance for what I'm hoping will be a better night's sleep tonight than last night's as a result of not having had cash on me tonight OR my ATM card in my wallet when I went to see the 8:15 at The Lincoln Plaza Cinema.

Sweet dreams.


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