My sorelline were in town this weekend to record a second set of demo tracks for our Sisterband. If I were tech savvy, I'd find a way to link to our renditions of Katy Perry's "Pearl," Lady Antebellum's "American Honey," The Dixie Chicks' "Wide Open Spaces," and Jane Naugler's "Step Up," but alas, I mostly only know how to include pics like the ones below and hyperlinks like this one for Analogue Muse the studio where we recorded in Chelsea. (Bad Ass right?) Our sound guy, who I value for his uber sweetness and seemingly genuine honesty says he really likes the "contemporary folk" thing we're rocking, this April we're doing a photo shoot, and then later this Spring we'll shop around our act to some record companies I have acquired contacts at through my dayjob role as Agent Extraordinaire and that my bambina sorella's researched in her free / procrastinating while doing hellish Junior year of high school homework time.

We're pretty stoked about the process in general and pretty psyched with how this second round of recording went.
Anyway, wiped from our session, we layed low last night here at my apartment and had a good old fashioned slumber party, complete with a viewing of "Titanic" on ABC Family. Which brings me to my latest realization of "no wonder I wound up delusional..."
Two months ago, you may remember, I wrote about seeing the infamous Peter at a BC networking/holiday party here in the city. And how when I'd first met Peter as 19-year-old-not-really-ready-for-the-responsibilities-she-had-as-an-RA-to-35-Keyes-South-Freshmen-sister-to-a-pot-addicted-brother-daughter-to-a-woman-dealing-with-her-mother's-stage-4-lung-cancer-and-college-girlfriend-to-an-only-child-Naugs I was tempted to throw caution to the wind, and claim that this boy was basically worth throwing anything and everything away for.
I mean, I'm exaggerating here, as a simple kiss at a ND tailgate in an Indiana corn field would hardly have equated to "throwing anything and everything away," but it's more the idea I had at the time, the romantic notion that not having known anything about this boy, who'd done well enough at BC to land himself a job earning 6 figures by the time he was 24, other than that he'd had his heart broken at one point in Anchorage and that he kept calling me his sweetheart, I was confident I had grounds to fall hard for him on.
It's Kate Winslet as Rose jumping off the rescue boat as she's being lowered down towards the water and reading in Leo / Jack's eyes the truth that Billy Zane's not going to let him benefit from the arrangement he's made with the pursor on the other side of the ship who's allowing some men in before women & children.
She's so rash and impassioned, "you jump, I jump, right!?!?"
And I was like 11 when I first saw "Titanic" 3 times in the theaters that winter break when it was released and raking in a billion gajillion dollars to pay back James Cameron's bankruptcy ten to a hundredfold times.
They're love lasted all of 24 hours, or something ridiculous like that, but while that old woman who was robbed of the oscar for Best Actress that year (if I remember correctly) seemed to have no trouble loosening her grip on the Heart of the Ocean and sending the big blue diamond to the bottom of the big blue sea, she "never let go" of Jack.
And I'll have you know I didn't cry at last night's viewing (not even when the Irish mum's telling her twins the fairy tale as the water fills the 3rd class cabins, because really, at this point in my life, I think I've shed an ample amount of tears for the fictional characters in that mega-blockbuster), but I did learn a little something and decide I can cut myself some slack for being such a sap and for getting so wrapped up in the Peter saga when I did.
I was misconstruing my urge to have a pseudo fling with my need to break free from the repression I'd seen female characters face in classic films from the time I was 11. "Who doesn't know what I'm talking about?"
Silly sister-singer-so-wishes-she-were-in-fact-a-princess-Naugs.
Seriously, guys, email me if you want me to send you the songs we recorded this weekend - they came out great :)
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