Thursday, July 29, 2010

When life hands you lemons

Yesterday on the elliptical at the gym I read about how Kristen Davis aka Charlotte on Sex and the City stays slim. And I'm not going to lie, the part where she said she's most proud of her toned deltoids because they're such a difficult area of the body to firm up prompted me to come home and do some research on deltoid working dumbell moves.
BUT! As luck would have it, my google search for said moves brought to me to a page featuring none other than an Eat Pray Love trailer!!!

Which I watched giddily and have admittedly just indulged in viewing again before turning the pic above into a link. Because holy smokes, I forgot how much I looooved this book, and how excited I am to see the movie, but moreover how excited I am to start adventuring on MY own. It's getting to be about that time for this nomad to flutter away for a while. And the very thought of boarding that plane on Sept 19th'll pretty much have me smiling nonstop between now and then :)

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