Wednesday, May 19, 2010


"Theirs was one of those houses with a revolving door and a cascading cast of characters that poured through it on a daily basis." This is a line I want to use in some way shape or form in a book someday. It came to me this morning.

Three weeks ago I read a book, The Piano Teacher and in one of the last chapters there was a line that I have rolled around in my head about a million times and even said out loud at least a hundred. Upon reading it, I excitedly informed my mother and sorelline (sisters), who happened to be near by, that it was official, I was meant to be a writer. Gotta love finding affirmation in various forms and mediums.

Now my only question is will I need to start writing about things other than my own experiences, people other than the ones I know and love? I can tell some pretty good stories, but they're all authentic-experience based. I can act out other people's tales on stage, do I now need to think up fairytales from scratch?

Only question. Woops, guess I have a few actually. Think that sentence is copywrighted now that I've typed it on my little pink blog here???

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