Naturally he's right, and I could have just bought another journal, but like I've been saying, this is going to be one of those well directed and highly focused blogs. It's not going to be a series of my musings on random things in my daily life, it's going to be thought out reflection on what it means to be and how one manages juggling the roles of sister & friend, agent and writer, modern day princess, nomad, and aspiring actress.
Case in point: On Being A Friend/Actress
I am writing a book. Well, now see, even that statement exposes the fact that I am an actress because it's so bold and dramatic. I am editing a series of emails written by myself and my seven best girlfriends from high school and compiling them in book format as an original work of creative non-fiction laced together with minimal third-person narration. The intent is to produce a coming of age tale ala "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants." I am writing another book in my free time, but it's one of those side projects that one can never really be sure will materialize to much more than an exercise in creativity, so I can hardly come out with a statement like "I am writing a book" and not admittedly sound somewhat like I am only pretending to do so or saying so to sound like I'm doing this grand sort of action. Regardless, this first reflection on being a multitasker and/or multifaceted, "On Being A Friend/Actress" has surfaced in light of an email I read last night that I had written to these seven girlfriends of mine that will not be making its way into the edited compilation in its entirety.
The email is this****
****shoot. I started that blog post on 3/9 and now it's 3/25. It occurs to me that the only way I will be what I deem to be an efficient blogger is if I set blogging goals for myself. Okay: 1 blogpost for each week of each month. So that means February would have needed 5, March will need 5, April...wait a second, are there actually 5 weeks in every month? Hm. Okay, so 5/month. I can do that. I can do that at the very least until I'm published ;)
I'm not including a description of the dramatic email I wrote to my seven girlfriends, blah, blah, blah, because this post is already longer than necessary. I'm simply going to summarize the point I would have made "On being A Friend/Actress."
Sometimes, I worry that my gestures as a friend are actually just me "acting" out the part I think a friend "should" play in any given situation: ie writing a verbose apology letter for acting sub-par on the friend-scale one weekend on Cape Cod. And that's worrisome, because I prefer to be genuine whenever possible in day to day life. Sigh.
But what can you do? Actors in general tend to live larger-than-life. Moving on. I meant my apology regardless.
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