Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Fasting Cardio meets the Fastest Moving Summer of All Time


Did you know it's the last week in July??? The LAST WEEK IN JULY???

Wasn't it just the first week in July? Wasn't I just sitting on the west side highway in bumper to bumper traffic watching the wonder of 3D-effected fireworks from the back seat of the gypsy cab I'd hailed from the random street corner in Harlem I'd hopped out of my roomie doctor's sister's friend's car at on her way back to Long Island from where we were earlier that day in Delaware on Dewey Beach?

Perhaps this is the sort of thing that's making this Summer fly by. Weekend days that are endlessly long landing in the laps of weeks that fly by.

Whatever it is - it's all as much of a blur as my bout of AM Fasting Cardio was earlier today. A little 4 miler along the Charles at 8 that I can honestly hardly remember just four hours later.


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