"Couldn't wait till tomorrow to sign on and say I think we are not at war with terrorism so much as we are fighting what is at the root of terrorism: hate.
And the Donald Trumps of the world are condoning hate, perpetuating fear, and fighting for the wrong side.
How dare any of us jump to politicize the conversation within hours of learning 50 lives were lost, but beyond that how dare that disgrace of a presidential candidate be so callous as to accept congratulations in the wake of what was a cold blooded massacre of citizens he claims to want to protect. Where is your compassion? Where is your humanity? Where is your self-control and humility?
The fact that Trump (and so many of his followers both ignorant and educated alike) cannot grasp the distinction Obama made in February, that our enemies are "not religious leaders - they're terrorists...and we are at war with people who have perverted Islam" speaks volumes to why and how the position of president would be a weapon of mass destruction in that man's hands. Not harping on or not using the term Islamic Radicalism is not about political correctness, it is about taking time to be thorough and careful. It is about not shrouding entire populations in hate and intolerance. It's about not making sweeping generalizations, not stereotyping, not labeling, and most importantly not breeding unnecessary and unhelpful and uncontrollable hate and contempt.
Anyway, less about him and his lack of tact, lack of composure, lack of reverence for his fellow Americans.
I am so grateful for and in awe of and inspired by the men and women from all walks of life, from both sides of the aisle and from any number of religious or non religious standpoints - celebrities, politicians, clergy, lay people, gay, lesbian, trans, bi and straight who have been brave enough to preach love since Sunday.
Love is truly the only weapon we have to combat the hate and the fear at the core of acts of terror.
Love is the only ideology that will save the world with its subscribers
Love creates and sustains life - it gives life meaning. It is all we have, and it is all we need
Interestingly enough, days before he was set to host the TONYs, and before we all awoke to news about the utter senselessness of Sunday's early morning tragedy, James Corden was on Stephen Colbert and shared just about the loveliest thoughts on whether he'd started to feel less British since moving to America. Watch around 3:20. Charming, right? "We're [definitely] all kind of in it together."
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