Saturday, March 3, 2012

Obsession List

Currently it's like my brain cannot even attempt real reflection and or offers of insight.


I give you my list of obsessions since the start of the year.  Some thought marathon matters would monopolize my mindspace in the months leading up to Boston 2012, but in fact, when I have not been working or running or spending time with fam & friends, I've been wrapping my mind around:


Downton Abbey


The Hunger Games

And I must say, I haven't felt so fully entertained since LOST was in my life on a regular basis.

I devoured Suzanne Collins three books in a matter of days, I long for Season 3 of Downton, and I'm embarrassingly excited to be planning workouts around watching Smash at the gym.

Currently I'm writing from a babysitting apartment the likes of which I so want to secret.  Suffice it to say guests at the parents' wedding were Naomi Watts and Rose Byrne.

Found out tonight through wikipediaing that Amy Poehler was born in good old Newton, MA... how do you like them apples?

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