Wednesday, September 14, 2016

The Worst

I know... I've been missing my Sunday posts.

Wedding season will do that.

Speaking of wedding season (what else is there to touch upon at present?) I got this from one of my modmates earlier today:

Simply put, it's the WORST.   Mostly because it's not that funny.  I mean it's hilarious, but it's so on the nose.  It's not funny how accurate a representation of the process it is.

Surely people don't throw out unrealistic suggestions, disregard voiced opinions and concerns and, worst of all - JUST NOT RESPOND or else neglect to answer the questions an organizer has posed, right!?!

There must be an unspoken girl code in place about these things.


We must all have the bride's best interest at heart and one another's financial and social circumstances in mind when coming together to orchestrate shenanigans.

Mustn't we!?!?

I am eternally grateful to the point people who have organized my girlfriends' bachelorette parties of late.   They have gone above and beyond, and they have the patience of saints.

Bitches be crazy though.

Without fail.  We're all the worst in our own right.

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