Not for the first time, I was just told by a friend that they wish they could have a bit more of the faith I have in knowing I will end up where I'm supposed to end up, with who I'm supposed to end up, however I'm supposed to end up there. And I told her I always wish I could do a better job of giving some of it to others - some of this faith in everything working itself out and optimism in general.
If I could put either in pill form I'd proscribe both for all my friends and sisters and sisterfriends.
Oddly enough, back at BC, I once introduced myself as Danielle Naugler - the blonde curly haired Danielle (there were a few of us on the council of majors being introduced to incoming Freshman theatre majors) - and beyond excited to be meeting them all... I must have said something else witty or welcoming or what have you, however I delivered the intro it got a good laugh and hearty applause from the crowd, but what was best was the compliment it garnered from one of my favorite teachers in the department...
"That energy," he said to me with a potentially inebriated heavy handed pat on the shoulder, "if I could take it, and BOTTLE it, and SELL it, I'd be a millionaire."
He loved it.
I loved it.
I love life.
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