Friday, September 17, 2010

All in a New York Minute

Literally - I understand the expression now, because of how quickly and how much I accomplished in the past two weeks.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

I'd want to be friends with me

And I think it's totally cool to feel that way about one's self. Here's the bio I posted a few months back on
Countdown to my trip to Milan, Leysin, Cinque Terre, Florence, Rome & Gaeta... 4 days! Ciao 4 now!

Monday, September 6, 2010


Sidenote: 10 in 9/10 means I need to start cranking!

Sister Friend Update: my sorellina's starting her freshman year tomorrow! Moved her in yesterday after a combination BC Football Game/Bachelorette Party extravaganza Saturday, and cannot deny my love of all things co-ed. It occurs to me that that might refer to college-education. Does it?!? I'm simply going to have to investigate.

Teared up on the drive out to Western Mass when it really dawned on me that she's off to explore the infinite abyss and was tickled pink to see how thoroughly in her element she was meeting & greeting the other chatty nursing majors on her floor and decorating an as-girly-as-they-come dorm room with her new roommate.

Ah, to be 17 and starting that adventure again...

Friday, September 3, 2010

I'm not Josie Grosie anymore!!!

But I do have a new movie to add to my top ten favorites. "Can I get 5 minutes on the clock please???" "They're not shorts, they're gauchos, I got'em on sale." Apparently my whole family has thought this movie was the story of my life since it first came out when I was in high school, and tonight, at 25 (the age, coincidentally, that Drew Barrymore's character is supposed to be in the movie when she goes undercover and poses as a senior in the graduating high school class of 1999), I watched "Never Been Kissed" for the first time and absolutely adored it. Perhaps in part because I too saw much of myself in Josie Gellar. Aside from thinking that if they ever do a movie about Drew Barrymore's life I should get the opportunity to audition to play her, I'm a downright dork to the core AND a total romantic. Hence my periodic belief that my life is in fact a romantic comedy in the making.

So anyway friends, August, huh? The month that was not I guess. I'll fill you in via retrospective - 10 in 9/10...