My uncle asked to talk to me a couple hours ago when he called my mom and I happened to be at my parents' house.
He was in LA for work last week, and his Iranian Uber driver told him to check out this site with
The World Clock. Checking it out reinforced the hunch my uncle's had for a while that it's time to invest in property... Maybe we'll go in to business together, start an LLC, get my other uncle to be the property manager for the multi family houses the first uncle, our godson, and I start buying and flipping and/or renting out. We'll see... The wheels are turning, and the point, my uncle said, is the population is ever growing. His Iranian Uber driver was making the point that humans are most definitely going to devour the earth's resources at the rate we're operating. Which is another concern altogether, but my uncle's conclusion is if there's one thing that's a given it's that people need places to live. Investing in places people will want to live is the way to go.
My uncle's in sales, so naturally he had me hooked on the phone. I was ready to buy in before even checking the site out.
And then I got home and had a minute or two to sit and watch the numbers tick, up in the births bubble, up in deaths bubble, up in the deforestation bubble. As usual seeing the US National debt exposed to the dollar did the trick putting my own debt in perspective.
And as the icing on the cake of a day and week I'm having, I also felt a wave of relief wash up on the shore of anxiety I've had in recent weeks that I'm living in too small a corner of the world at the moment. I'm not alone... I'm one of 7,456,193,445 and counting individuals occupying my own space in the world. We're all mere sequins on the stage of this planet reflecting the spotlight of the sun.