This year I got a book of story prompts and a couple years back I got two books with autobiographical prompts. Prompts are my jam. Prompts are all I need to be off and running my fingers over the keyboard or pen over paper.
And in honor of the new book I went back to look at one of the old ones... they were selling it at Paper Source's and stores like that in the fall of 2013

Glorious, right?! I had filled it cover to cover by mid January of 2014. The other one I got

I have on my to-do list to complete when I'm approaching 35 (the age I'd be privy to becoming president if I were so inclined... ahhh how I love arbitrary rationalizations)!
Anyway, I thought I'd post two of the essays I wrote in late November/early December of 2013. I thought maybe I wasn't posting much around then on here, but it looks like I did at least a handful of times. Nevertheless, it's still pseudo noteworthy... here's my answer to the question "how would you describe yourself" as of this time of year three years ago...
"Is it a bad thing talking about myself comes so easily to me? Self-aware - that's the way I'd start describing myself I guess. Eternally if not relentlessly optimistic. A glass half full kind of girl. A type A person who wishes she could be a free spirit. A "Yes" person with a high tolerance for bullshit. Remarkably unobservant. Pretty impressively patient in my personal opinion. Loyal. Loving. Lovable I 'd like to think. I love to laugh, love to learn, love to lean in when I feel like I have something worthwhile to bring to the table. I'm a homebody who loves to travel and loves to make the world feel a little smaller with each new trip around it. I'd say I'm a leader by nature most likely due to my eldest sibling role. I'm a straight shooting sagittarius and a little slight of tact sometimes if I'm being honest. I have high expectations of the people I love because I believe in them with every fiber of my being, but I'm pretty hard to disappoint because I'm pretty level-headed anreven keeled. I'm not a very passionate person, but I love to do the things I say I'm going to, andI am great at committing for the long haul to projects that I either believe in or think are important. I'm pretty maternal, but also self-serving. Self motivated, easily excitable, always open to being newly inspired. I'm open and accepting and always trying to stop my natural instincts to judge. I'm Catholic with a little 'c.' The oldest of 5 kids. Irish/Catholic/Italian/French Canadian and a couple other things. A boston girl at heart. And way more of a city girl than country bumpkin."
This all still applies.
I'll add that I'm grateful.