What the heck should I rename this blog??? DanielleNaugler.blogspot.com perhaps? I don't know... dare I be so bold as to bare my soul to the interwebs and reveal GoldilocksNYC's true identity?!
This thing is already linked to my DanielleNaugler website, it's also felt on its way to being obsolete for going on two years now.
I have a feeling 2016 will be a year for its re-emergence though. 2016's the year I get published, soooo..... go big or go home?
In the meantime, here's something facebook big-brothered my way this morning:
The Five Stages of Ghosting Grief
I'm ghosting a guy currently. Full admission. I'm also still pseudo/fully entangled with another guy I can imagine ghosting me on a moment's notice.
This is fun, this twentyfirst century dating, isn't it?