This weekend was one of the best weekends of my life.
We brought my Dr Roomie to the Cape for the weekend and threw her bachelorette party of epic proportions... More on that later perhaps, but first here's the text message conversation I had with a boy we met while out at the British Beer Company in Falmouth.
And by "a boy we met" I mean, a boy that had some sort of altercation with one of my other single roommates earlier in the night, looked like an a**hole and then answered when I called out to him from across the bar, "hey A**hole." For whatever reason, even though the roomie and the gaggle of girls we were with AND I all agreed he was clearly of the a**hole persuasion, I also felt that he'd be fun to go makeout with on the cute little capehouse lined street around the corner from the bar.
1:02am Bridesmaid Naugs: Oh you are funny. Are u on the beach?
1:04am Cute Cape Cod Boy (aka A**hole): Haha nah... Wat a tease u are
1:15am Cute Cape Cod Boy (aka A**hole): Wat u doin now?
1:17am Bridesmaid Naugs: Ha, heading back to great Harbor. You coming, Colby?
****his name was Colby. a douche bag name if ever there's been one
1:18am Cute Cape Cod Boy (aka A**hole): Absolutely would be fun but too much energy
1:20am Bridesmaid Naugs: Total tease btw, I'll own it. Haha 'absolutely not.' Yup, funny / so cute
1:22am Cute Cape Cod Boy (aka A**hole): Not gonna lie that was hilarious when those kids came by and w r on a rando lawn haha
1:23am Bridesmaid Naugs: Hahaha yesss yup I mean sometimes you just gotta make out on that lawn
1:30am Cute Cape Cod Boy (aka A**hole): Wish u coulda came back here with me
1:40am Bridesmaid Naugs: Cab here and we can hook up in the outdoor shower - ha
1:41am Cute Cape Cod Boy (aka A**hole): There is an outdoor shower...haha...come on u treat me like I'm 7...u suck. i was gonna walk u back here haha but u weren't down
1:42am Bridesmaid Naugs: Awwww sad. Wait how old are you again? Seriously I am sorry for asking and if I weren't bacheloretting I might have walked back w you
1:43am Cute Cape Cod Boy (aka A**hole): Im 22...and haha it's ok idc... i'm sure u will have a good night anyways.. I just thought it would have been a great story
***idc is early twentysomething for I don't care
1:45am Bridesmaid Naugs: Aww yes, would've been an excellent story... another time :)
1:46am Cute Cape Cod Boy (aka A**hole): Prob never down here but whatever...I had fun. u have the best personality. i loved it
1:47am Bridesmaid Naugs: -ha- prob not - you're right. Night boy-o
1:48am Cute Cape Cod Boy (aka A**hole): G'nite have fun...still upset lol
1:50am Bridesmaid Naugs: Get over it / into a cab. Night cutie
1:52am Cute Cape Cod Boy (aka A**hole): Haha u suck...gnite
1:53am Bridesmaid Naugs: Hahaha
1:54am Cute Cape Cod Boy (aka A**hole): Not funny
1:55am Bridesmaid Naugs: Yeah I am (funny). Call my friend Pziok ankfok
***this is when i was more or less falling asleep while trying to text (we girls had played a LOT of flip cup and had three flavors of jello shots earlier on in the evening)
2:00am Cute Cape Cod Boy (aka A**hole): Wait that made no sense.
2:01am Cute Cape Cod Boy (aka A**hole): U gotta hook me up with ur sister.
***my sorellina's 20, I had told him about her earlier, 'cause, well, they'd actually be kinda cute together.