Monday, February 28, 2011

Marching out of February

No offense, but it's a little bugger of a month and I'll be happy to say goodbye to it in an hour and a half or so. I'm only hitting 8 posts this month in light of how packed the past four weeks have been and I fear March is going to bode similarly, but c'est la vie.

Have been meaning to write about a couple things: 1 being the classical music they play in the waiting terminal at Penn Station for the New Jersey Transit Line and the way I think that misleads people who are from NJ. They hear that music and totally forget that they are in fact going home to the armpit of America.

2 being the tendency I have to tense up whenever I am entering or exiting a subway terminal in the vicinity of a woman pushing a baby stroller.

Because I get so worried there won't be any one else around to offer to help her carry the child and carriage up or down the stairs, and I OBVIOUSLY want to help but I'm paranoid of falling up & down those stairwells when I'm walking on my own two feet and carrying my purse or Trader Joe's grocery bags, can you imagine the anxiety I would feel over lifting a CHILD at the same time.

It's dire.

The 3rd and final piece I'll share is that everytime I hear from my college roomie, Dr. Fife, I think she's getting in touch to tell me she's engaged, because the proposal is definitely impending. I hope impending has positive enough connotations to use in that sentence.

There's literally nothing I am more excited about currently - and that is really saying something because I've got the transformation going on, a new sisterband demo completed and ready to promote, a potential offer to go back to full time Agent-ing being put on the table, a half marathon to run in a month, the next draft of the book nearing completion, but seriously, nothing's got my hear more aflutter than knowing two people who are totally wonderfully perfect for each other and in SO much love are about to start a year and a half or so long walk to the aisle.

Yep - palpable excitement :)

Fortunately, Fife just assured me she'll call with the news when it's fit to print, so I don't have to worry about 60% of our conversations (gchat, texting, emails) coming through with the announcement, I just have to nearly have a heart attack any time the phone rings and it's her in the next month.

Fairwell February!

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