Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I wouldn't regret kicking a pidgeon

the same way I don't regret eating the piece of cake and 2 anisette cookies at the Bouchard/Hofbauer wedding last weekend.

A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. And in the last four days when I've devoted myself to making sure I was the leanest me possible for my shoot this morning, it was all I could do to smile in the steam room at the thought of that wonderful sugary goodness that was my indulgence at the wedding of one of my dear college friends and miraculously there it was: the mental endurance I needed to make me stay in the heat for that many more minutes.

The thing is: Clean Eating is freaking awesome and what I plan to do 90% of the time from here on out, if only because I've come to fully embrace the philosophy I found while blog hopping one afternoon that eating clean means using food as nothing other than fuel for our bodies.

My spin on that is that it's fuel for our mind & bodies, which is why sometimes, to put the world back on its correct axis of rotation, I bake cookies from scratch and help myself to several spoonfuls of the dough and why sometimes chocolate or ice cream is the ONLY medicine that effectively starts to heal a broken heart. You get the point though, I hope? More often than not, I just need 1 or 2 complex carbs, plenty of protein and lots of leafy and colorful veggies in my tank to keep me acting/agenting/writing/running non stop throughout my manic manhattan minutes, crazy clippings of cali and occasional nomadic now & thens. So as long as I'm on the ball majority of the time, why am I ever gonna regret reserves of indulgence?

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Survival of the fittest

AKA - how I spent my Memorial Day Weekend Vacation....

Hopped of the plane at LAX with a dream and my cardigan for the 4th time in 4 years... Beginning to make a habit of hopping over to this coast although I have to admit every time it's poorly packed. I actually didn't bring any cardigans this trip thinking if it's 80 degrees in NYC it's likely going to be GORGEOUS in Cali and abruptly regretting having drawn that conclusion as the temperature has yet to climb past 65 since I got here. STILL - not complaining.

Californiaaaa, Californiiiiaaaaaaaa, is wonderful. Warms you from the inside out the second you take in its palm trees, mountain ranges and neverending coastline.

So needless to say, an all expenses paid trip out here for my first vaca since going back to being a fulltime agent in NYC, is 1000% worth the 3 work out / 2 steam room session / no carb eating couple of days I'm packing into the time leading up to my big AFTER photoshoot.

And while several of my colleagues here talk calories, cardio tricks, and water retention in the sauna and jacuzzi, I'm all eyes on the prize and totally calm, cool, and collected.

Survival of the fittest Naugs y'all will have ever seen to date.

For shits and giggles, I think I'll even let you dedicated readers see my before/after pics I'm feeling that good.

If not today - then by Tuesday... gotta blog twice more this month to keep my pattern of posts for the year up.

And gotta go buy a gallon of water to drink and subsequently sweat out in the next 24 hours.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Rejection letters

that's right, I just wrote a dozen to the randos who have messaged me since I joined OKCupid last week.

in the spirit of good karma, I just didn't feel right leaving these guys hanging. And I was pretty politely passive I thought if not deliberately dismissive with my generic form letter:

Hey there,

Thanks for your message! Very sweet :)

Super busy time of life & work right now, so I'm hanging back from hanging out for a while. Hope you have a stellar long weekend though and that Cupid works his magic for ya!


I mean, can you blame a girl for trying? Just want people to be happy and feel loved.

Off to CA first thing tomorrow morning, and coming back a whole new woman June 1st.

Beyonce, can you handle this?

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Like Salt Free Mrs Dash

my God this blog is SO bland right now... Thankfully I will be returning to life as full time fun Naugs before long, so stay tuned, dear friends for fun anecdotes, silly single antics, and stories of city living like it's meant to be done to come this Summer.

meanwhile - I must share a classic line emailed to me by a modmate I was meant to travel to the DR with in mid June:

"You must admit, there is a point, as great as the DR sounds, that even the great nomadic Naugs can't justify paying an arm and a leg! haha and I certainly wouldnt fault you for that!"

How right she is, my sister in clean eating these days. And how sad to have to pass on this all inclusive weekend trip with two of my girlfriends, but it's a sign of the toll this transformation's taken on me that I really can't stomach the thought of 3 round trip flights to far off sunny locations in 4 weeks.

Summer's going to be here before you know it, and I want to stay put and enjoy it in all of it's presence here up North.

To Do In LA

-Twitter: learn the ropes / start following some folks / tweet at will

-Sisterband Music Video Editing: the time is now to get our act together and submit to Ellen's recording label for consideration

-Book: a read through of the draft I've got, grouping the current narrative into the new chapter categories I've concocted

-Work out

-Secret a sitcom


-Sit by the pool

Monday, May 16, 2011

Truth be told

there have been quite a few nights in the past month or so when I've had ample free time in which I could have continued seeking out a literary agent... researching who's out there waiting for a project like mine, just dreaming of the day they can shop my voice around to potential publishers and turn "the Book" into the big ticket item it's no doubt going to be sold as at future launching luncheons....

but I just finished reading "I Totally Meant To Do That" in anticipation of purchasing and perusing "Open Eyed Sneeze" Wednesday night when it goes on sale in the citAy so now I understand that my procrastination is in part the result of my not being ready to wrap up my major writing endeavor. I'm not ready to go home.

there's simply still too much to do here as an actress and an agent first. so sister friend from afar I stay for a while longer, and in the meantime I'll blog to keep the creative juices flowing while I dedicate 60 + hours of my week to work and working out.

I'm letting myself off the hook for another month or so, and letting my roomie lure me into the living room to watch mindless reality TV for close to an hour per night even though I otherwise can't justify watching television at all if it's not in half hour increments of fabulously crafted and most commonly NY based situational comedy, legit or tongue in cheek new journalism or LOST.

and, i'm resting up for what will no doubt be a jam packed summer of fun & finishing the book.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


I wore the shirt I got for participating in a choreographer friend's company's Flash Mob to go to the gym and decided to skip a jacket or zip up since I'd only be outside for such a short time.

Low and behold, the start of the AIDS walk in NYC is a block up from my apt.

And I was yelled at to not cross the street until the horn went off indicating we walkers could commence our jaunt around the city.


You know your eating habits have transformed

when Kashi Go Lean LEGIT tastes like Lucky Charms to you.

this just in: I think I'm going to start a younameitnaugs twitter account. I will desperately need someone to explain to me the hatch mark, FF, and @ system, but it dawned on me that Improv got me to start thinking of funny things in as few as 150 characters, and there's really no better forum for that sort of chirping.

Bridesmaids - in case there was any skepticism - does not disappoint and pretty accurately represents the extent to which a 20/30something single gal's life can seemingly be falling apart as well as the whacky bo jacky dynamics between women and particularly the insanity that an impending wedding can bring about amongst a brood.

I loved it. And I loved that I took myself out on a date to see it. Definitely a better flick to catch independently than Blue Valentine would have been...what was I crazy this winter??? Thanks, Universe, for that save - I look forward to the nice summer day when Netflix delivers Ryan Gosseling and Michelle Williams' misery to my doorstep. In the meantime, I'm pining after Roy from IT Crowd.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

On another note

the last line of the post below is "maybe I'll actually get some in the Big Apple in the next few months."

That's what she said.


I won $25 on a scratch ticket today

evidence obviously that this is going to be a glorious week.

T minus 18 days until the transformation period is over and the official start to summer shows up in the form of Memorial Day weekend, so I've gone ahead and switched to decaf coffee in advance.

Most everyone in Manhattan is running around like a chicken with its head cutoff, I've come to realize, because the month of May is dedicated to working hard enough to justify just completely slacking off for the duration of July and if we're all being honest for the majority of June & July as well.

Long weekends East reign supreme, countless offices turn casual Fridays into legitimate halfdays, and there's a lackadaisicalness that's inevitable as the temp approaches the 90s.

"The quiet, still moments of her life are the ones she felt the least alone." -MW

Maybe I'll actually get some in the Big Apple in the next few months.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


I got this link to to its trick on the ol' (new) macbook pro, and OH MY GOODNESS MY WHOLE AFTERNOON HAS JUST GOTTEN SOOOO MUCH BRIGHTER!!!!

PS: Remember last month when I mentioned it was a Phone'll jingle door'll knock anything can happen kind of week in NYC? Well... something was coming, and now it's here... we're taking our two women show on the road to Brooklyn tomorrow night courtesy of the ever classy and philanthropically fabulous JUNIOR LEAGUE:



Join us for a roaring evening of fun as we party for a cause.

Enjoy sampling various fine wines & spirits with accompanying Hors d' Oeuvres while taking in the

sounds of the group "Someday, Maybe?"

Friday May 6th, 2011

From 6:00pm - 9:00pm

of BrooklynFirst Presbyterian Church

124 Henry St

Brooklyn, NY 11201

Tickets $25.00 per person

Tickets can be purchased at the door or on line at www.brooklynjuniorleague.org

Wines and Spirits generously donated by

Michael Towne Wine & Spirits

You know you wanna go :)


Nothing can make one realize how much more weight it is possible to lose than attending a gallery opening in Lower Manhattan.

I had the pleasure of going to this one last night (see 5/4 post on blog 2.8) with a fellow rep, and the art was fabulous, I'm sure the free tequila was delish, but Lords Lords if I didn't leave with a hangup having seen so may tiny frames and waify limbs.

That said, there's also nothing more fun than purposefully leaving my apartment all the way uptown completely underdressed so as to give myself an excuse to shop my way through Soho. And I came home with such fun new leggings and a sassy black trench coat.

Win win situation of the month #1.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011



Oh Anne Hathaway / Jim Sturgess....here we go...is this what love is all about?